Review: DISTRICT TOUR 2022

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Here you can see a review of the 2022 district tour. If you are looking for the current district tour for the current year, click here. We look forward to seeing you at our district events again this year.

come together - discover diversity - celebrate together

The district meetings of Innsbruck Social Services (ISD) are touring Innsbruck in 2022 and will stop at public places in six districts. KOFFER:RAUM is one of them. A trailer filled with tables, chairs, games and many small program points. Around the KOFFER:RAUM people can meet, present initiatives, associations and offers from the district and celebrate together. In this way, the diversity of cultural life in the respective districts becomes visible. There is much to discover!

Flyer for the district tour as PDF

WILTEN | May 10 - 14, 2022

Initiatives, organizations and residents of Wilten have jointly developed a diverse program: Tuesday was creative, Wednesday was sporty. On Thursday, we discussed district topics. On Friday, the focus was on repairing and gardening, and on Saturday we celebrated with a games festival, music and a suitcase market.

Let's come together, discover diversity and celebrate together.
More info is available online at Stadtteiltreff Wilten or on their Facebook page

The program at a glance (Download as PDF)

© Jakob Kraut

SAGGEN & DREIHEILIGEN | May 17 - 21, 2022

From Tuesday to Saturday there is a colorful program- from storytelling cafe, concerts, to sports and workshops. Everything from and with people from the districts Saggen & Dreiheiligen. On Saturday there will be a real party at the Bogenfest - with a games festival, interactive stations on district work and information booths. Let's come together, discover diversity and celebrate together.

If you want to find out more in advance, you can do so on the Facebook page of the Stadteiltreff Bienerstrasse.

The program at a glance (Download as PDF)

HÖTTINGER AU | 07 - 11 JUNE 2022

It's time to focus on the diversity, the contrasts and the connecting elements in the Höttinger Au and above all to get to know each other! A colorful, eventful and moving program will be put together from Tuesday to Saturday by residents, initiatives and associations. At the district festival on Saturday, the already well-known motto "The Höttinger Au is alive" will be celebrated - with a suitcase market, a performative tour through the district, music, games and culinary delights. Let's come together, discover diversity and celebrate together.

More info on the Facebook page of the Stadtteiltreff Höttinger Au.

The program at a glance (Download as PDF)