Olympic village

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There is no need to explain the name of this district - Innsbruck was the venue of the 1964 and 1976 Winter Olympics.

in 1961, construction began on the first Olympic village to accommodate the athletes. For this purpose, the shooting range belonging to Arzl had to be relocated in the valley and rebuilt above the village. The settlement that had developed around the shooting range since 1920 was later called Neu-Arzl and - even though belonging to Arzl - is closely connected to the Olympic Village. The first tenants were able to move into the eight ten-story apartment blocks in the early summer of 1964. As early as the summer of 1973, construction began on the second Olympic Village right next to the first. The total of around 1,330 apartments were rented out to families with many children, which meant that the generation of the late 60s and 70s experienced a particularly sociable childhood. 200 children in one apartment block at about the same age were not uncommon!